We can summarize the types of possible foods for fish in ponds according to the following categories of food types. When caring for a pond full of prized koi or a water garden with a few goldfish we want to offer a good quality fish food to our aquatic friends as they can live a long life and can become bossom buddies over time! Don't overfeed your fish and always make sure you are giving fresh pellets or flakes, after all, who wants to eat stale biscuits!!
Flakes or sequins: floating on the surface of the water, there is no advance preparation; distribute simply, sometimes émiettant to decrease the diameter of the flakes. Everything must be consumed until the flakes sink because the flakes are very polluting.
Crisps or sticks: close to the snowflakes, they are made at low temperatures and are of better quality than the flakes. They degrade slower and lead pollution less than that of the flakes (mainly in the case of surplus). Their composition also reduces the algae problems.
Pellets: they flow and therefore addressing species of open-water or background. Good quality (flakes), they are recommended for demanding species. Prepare the granules into a cup of water from the tray before distribution because the granules swell when wet: If granule swelling in the throat (the worst) or in the intestines of a fish, it can prove to be problematic, and for example lead to problems of digestion.
Cakes, "wafers": in the form of compact discs, these foods are intended for groundfish or shrimp. Let them fall to the bottom of the aquarium without further preparation. Tablets, lozenges : thick disks, certain tablets can stick between rocks at the bottom reducing their consumption by the inhabitants of the bottom.
Time for supper little guppies!!